Terms of Use

We encourage anyone who wants to perform a detailed structural analysis of galaxy images to use BUDDA. It was shown to retrieve reliable estimates of structural parameters, as well as to produce accurate model images. It is a valuable tool to produce great science in many different cases. However, one should NOT use it as a black box, quick and dirty! In some cases it can do real damage to one's science if not carefully applied as we explain in details in the main paper and here. As is the case for any science code, one must take care and look what it is doing and not blindly trust it. Thus, there's no warranty, one should use it at one's own risk!

We kindly ask for anyone of you who gets our code to send us an e-mail.

If you publish any result based on BUDDA, please refer to our main paper, and let us know!

It is recommended to get the code from here, and not from third parties, to avoid getting old versions.