PROGRAM DEPROJELL C C Program to obtain analytically deprojected estimates for the semi-major C axis, ellipticity, and position angle of an ellipse seen in projection, C following Gadotti et al. (2007, MNRAS, in press -- see their Appendix A). C The user should provide the name of a file (up to 25 letters or symbols) C which contains, for each line, four numbers separated by spaces, in the C following order: projected, measured semi-major axis and ellipticity C of the ellipse (usually the one defining a galactic bar), the difference C between the position angle of the ellipse and that of the line of nodes C (in degrees) and the inclination angle also in degrees (zero meaning no C inclination). C C The code returns for each projected ellipse at each line of the input C file the deprojected values for the semi-major axis, ellipticity and C the angle between the ellipse and the line of nodes. The semi-major C axis output is in the same units as the input. The position angle output C is in degrees (as the input). C C Although this code has been thoroughly tested you should use it C carefully (as any other code, by the way!). I give no warranties C whatsoever! If you are using it, or find mistakes, please notify me at C C ---> <--- C C If you want to improve it, go ahead, but document your changes and C let me know! C C Finally, please, if you publish any results using this code you C C *** MUST CITE ITS MAIN PAPER *** C C *** Gadotti, D. A., et al. 2007, MNRAS, 381, 943 *** C C C C Dimitri Gadotti C Munich, June, 2007 C IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*25 fname ! fname is the name of the user input file REAL smaj0 ! projected, measured semi-major axis of ellipse REAL ell0 ! projected, measured ellipticity REAL smaj ! deprojected semi-major axis of ellipse REAL smin ! deprojected semi-minor axis REAL ell ! deprojected ellipticity REAL pa ! deprojected position angle REAL alpha ! alpha REAL i ! i REAL Ap ! A' REAL Bp ! B' REAL Cp ! C' REAL s1 ! s1 REAL s2 ! s2 REAL pi ! Pi REAL a,b ! to intermediate estimation of smaj and ell REAL sint ! to intermediate estimation of s1 and s2 WRITE (*,*) 'Please give input file name:' READ (*,'(1A25)') fname OPEN(UNIT=1,FILE=fname,STATUS='OLD') 10 READ(1,*,END=20) smaj0,ell0,alpha,i pi=4.0*ATAN(1.0) ! define pi alpha=alpha*pi/180. ! transform degrees to radians i=i*pi/180. ! transform degrees to radians a=smaj0 b=(1.-ell0)*a Ap=COS(alpha)**2./a**2.+SIN(alpha)**2./b**2. Bp=COS(alpha)*SIN(alpha)/a**2.-COS(alpha)*SIN(alpha)/b**2. Bp=Bp*COS(i) Cp=SIN(alpha)**2./a**2.+COS(alpha)**2./b**2. Cp=Cp*COS(i)**2. sint=SQRT(1.+4.*Bp**2./(Ap-Cp)**2.) s1=2.*(Ap*Cp-Bp**2.)/((Bp**2.-Ap*Cp)*((Cp-Ap)*sint-Cp-Ap)) s1=SQRT(s1) s2=2.*(Ap*Cp-Bp**2.)/((Bp**2.-Ap*Cp)*((Ap-Cp)*sint-Cp-Ap)) s2=SQRT(s2) smaj=MAX(s1,s2) smin=MIN(s1,s2) ell=1.-smin/smaj pa=-0.5*ATAN(2.*Bp/(Cp-Ap)) IF(smaj.EQ.s2) pa=pi/2.+pa pa=pa*180./pi WRITE(*,*) smaj,ell,pa GOTO 10 20 WRITE (*,*) 'Finished successfully!' CLOSE (1) END