Non e' importante la vita. Importante e' cio' che si fa della vita. B. Niccolai, 1984

Welcome to my non scientific home page! Here you can find something about my interests, and some interesting links! This page is still under construction, but I promise to improve it! If you have any suggestion or comments, please write to me.

Attenzione: e' stato riaperto il processo per la strage delle foibe: 16/2/2000 la prima udienza al tribunale di Roma.

Some links about mountain, music, and much more...

Informazioni locali (Trieste e Friuli-Venezia Giulia)
Some information about Trieste...(sorry, in italian only)
Friuli Venezia Giulia
More information on Friuli, in italian, english and deutsch
Want to know something about Dolomiti?
My home city!
A huge list of celtic sites
Artists in the database
About 10000 singers on the web
The European Science Fiction Home Page
Nation of Europa
some information about Europe and european government
Tabula Rasa
Per non lasciare il cervello in atrofia....
Televideo RAI: pagina del lavoro
La storia che non e' sui nostri libri...
Decima Flottiglia MAS
..e gli uomini che l'hanno vissuta.
Some news about italian politic and social life
Some music, graphics, and much more!
Federazione Italiana Arcieri Tiro di Campagna (italian only)
Donadoni: an italian archery shop
Custom made arches and arrows
European Comics on the web
Diritto di voto per gli italiani all' estero!
METEOSAT for Europe (from France)

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