Welcome to my scientific home page!


Per il cosmo strano e selvaggio
me ne vado, da eterno straniero.
Il mio amore sono le sue strade
ed i brillanti occhi del pericolo.

R. L. Stevenson

What   am   I   doing   now?

* Spiral galaxies : Chemo - dynamical properties of their bulges

* Compact groups of galaxies, see also
Southern Compact Groups survey
DPOSSII Compact Group Survey

* The ultimate XMM extragalactic survey (a.k.a. XXL)



button Here a very updated site of international astronomy meetings,
with complete informations about each of them.

button Les Houches schools of Physics and astrophysics.


Interesting astrophysical links

button The European Astronomical Society

button Bars in spiral galaxies

button Leiden atomic and molecular database

button SAURON

button OPTICON 3D Spectroscopy

button Extragalactic distance database

button Adaptive optics tutorial

button Service observing: Different opinions on the issue.

button Globular clusters in the Milky Way

button Database of theoretical isochrones (Padova set)

button Database of theoretical isochrones (Geneva set)

button SSPs model with Monte Carlo simulations

button The NTT SUSI deep field

button The open cluster database

button The Lick metallicity system

button Stetson's new standard stars (P.A.S.P., 112, 925, 2000)

button The Planetary Nebulae Spectrograph

button NIST rest frequencies for interstellar molecules

button The ASTROVIRTEL project

button HyperZ: a public photometric redshift code

button Precise radial velocity standard stars from Geneva Observatory

button HIgh resolution TRansmission
molecular AbsorptioN database



* Italian Observatories

* Other Institutions

* Journals

* IAU circulars

* Astronomical catalogs

* Astronomical software

* Astronomical Surveys


ADS Abstract Service, E.S.O. mirror site

Nasa Extragalactic Database

Babbage Main Page

Babbage title/author search for astro-ph


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